Cool Kids Shop Small

Image credit Entrepreneur Media, Inc

It’s Small Business Saturday 2020 and given this crazy year today is a bit different than it has been in the past. Depending where you are, local businesses have closed their storefronts or have shut down operations completely. A day filled with window shopping in your local downtown area is replaced with people staying inside perhaps facing their own difficulties. Despite the culture looking a bit different, today is that much more meaningful for small business owners that are lucky enough to survive this time.

Feast your mind on a quick list of reminders why cool kids shop small.

Unique gifts are HERE, not there

The meme said it best, you just aren’t going to find that showstopping, spectacular, completely unique, not ever done before anywhere other than a sick small business.


Small businesses provide better customer service 

“Small business owners strive to survive and one of the biggest advantages they have over large retailers is the ability to provide more personable, hands-on, and memorable customer service.”

(Five Stars)


Your money goes to real people… not Jeff Bezos’ f#%&*?g empire

If all of us spent just $100 more a year on local businesses and shops rather than chain stores or Amazon, it would put about $3 million more into our economy while creating thousands of more jobs.

Your purchase keeps someone’s lights on, provides food for someone’s family, pays for someone’s childcare… how could you NOT?!


Studies show that when you shop small, an actual person does a happy dance.

This has been proven to happen every single time.


Small businesses build local communities

“When you support that local business, you are supporting your friends, family, and neighbors. These business owners are the people that you smile at while grocery shopping, play within local community sports events, and wave at in hello when going to get the mail. The local business that you support will help contribute to their livelihood in the community, as they in turn help improve your livelihood by offering high-quality products and services that you desire.”

(COX Blue)

There are endless reasons why shopping small is dope, but the bottom line is, what seems like just one online checkout to you is the entire world to us.


The Algorithm


Lady Legends